Percentage Of Americans With A Master’s Degree – The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) released its annual report today on US graduate school enrollment and awards for 2020 and this is an update to my annual post The Surprising Gender Differences in school enrollment and degrees.
1. For the 12th consecutive year, women received the majority of doctorates awarded at American universities in 2020. Of the 76,111 doctorates awarded in 2020 (Table B.25), women received 40,037 of those degrees and 53.1% of the total, compared to 35,368 degrees awarded to men, who received 46.9% of the total (see chart above). For every 100 men who graduated last year, there were more than 113 women who graduated. Women have now received the majority of doctorates in every academic year since 2008-2009, and the 53.1% share of women last year is a new record. Previously, women first earned the majority of degrees in 1978, the majority of master’s degrees in 1981, and the majority of bachelor’s degrees in 1982, according to the Department of Education. Thus, 2009 marked the year in which men officially became the “second male” in higher education by earning fewer college degrees at all college levels from associate to doctorate. Total enrollment for men in higher education was the lowest number standing under the age of 40 since the late 1970s.
Percentage Of Americans With A Master’s Degree
2. According to the study, women earning a doctorate in 2020 more than men 7 out of 11 followed by CGS (see table above): Arts and Humanities (51.8% women), Biology (a new record high 53.8% is divided into one of the main STEM -fields, although there is a common report that
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), Education (67.8%), Health and Medical Sciences (71.4%, isn’t that another STEM field?), Public Administration (76.2%), Social and Behavioral Studies (61.3%) and Fields other (53.2%). Men still earned the majority of 2020 doctorates in the four fields of Business (53.3% men), Engineering (75.1%), Mathematics and Computer Science (74.2%), and Physical and Earth Sciences (65.0%).
3. The middle chart above shows the gender breakdown for master’s degrees awarded in 2020 (from Table B.24) and the gender difference for women is significant – women earned more than 60% of all master’s degrees in 2020 setting a new record. a higher percentage of women, which would also mean that women earned about 151 master’s degrees last year for every 100 degrees earned by men. As with medical degrees, women outnumbered men in the same 7 out of 11 graduate fields and in some of those fields, the gender gap was large. For example, women earned 421 master’s degrees in health and medical sciences per 100 men, 408 master’s degrees in public administration per 100 men, and 350 master’s degrees in education per 100 men.
4. The chart above shows total enrollments that graduated in fall 2020 by gender and level for all US graduate programs (certificate, master’s, and doctorate from Table B.13), which shows that there is a huge gender gap. of women for students attending American schools. Women represent nearly 60% of all graduate students in the United States (up from 58.5% in 2019), meaning that there are now 148 women enrolled in all-male graduate schools and 100 others. In other sectors such as Education (76.2% of women). ), Health and Medical Sciences (78.4% of women), and Public Administration (79.0% of women), women outnumber men by a factor of three or more. In terms of education, women enroll in graduate schools outnumber men by the same number of 7 out of 11 graduate students mentioned above, with women making up the minority of graduates in Business only (46.5% women), Engineering (27.7% women), Mathematics and Computer Science (32 % women), and Physical and Earth Sciences (39.7% women).
Deputy: What I predict – the facts that: a) men are underrepresented in the total academic enrollment (only 100 men are enrolled in 2020 for every 148 women), b ) men received fewer master’s degrees (less than 40% of the total) and doctorates (47% of the total) than women in 2020 and c) men were represented in less than 7 out of 11 master’s and doctoral studies in the past year for both degrees and enrollment will not be recognized. everything from feminists, gender activists, women’s centers, media, universities, or anyone in the higher education industry.
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In addition, there will be no calls for tax-funded scholarships or additional tax revenue to address the large gender gap favoring women in graduate schools, and no one will talk about women’s school enrollment and female-favored degree gaps being a problem or a national “.tragedy.” In addition, despite their stated commitment to “gender equality”, hundreds of women’s colleges around the country are unlikely to show concern about the vast disparity in student enrollment and degrees, and universities do not fund the creation of men’s centers or committees on college campuses. or fund male scholarships to address significant male underrepresentation.
Bottom line: If there is any awareness of gender gaps in the CGS annual report, it will focus on the fact that women are underrepresented in 4 out of 11 engineering disciplines including engineering and computer science (a gender gap that some consider to be a “national disaster”), with demands of greater awareness of the underrepresentation of women in education and employment (except in the two STEM fields of a) biology and b) health and medicine, where women have actually been overrepresented for decades). But don’t expect any concern over the fact that men are increasingly the second gender in higher education. Concerns about gender inequality will remain highly selective, and will focus only on academic fields where women, not men, are underrepresented.
Exhibit A: In the CGS report, the coverage of gender inequality was very vocal about the underrepresentation of women in STEM, for example (note the tone and bias):
A. Organizations responding to the survey also reported that while women make up more than three-quarters of first-time student enrollment in management and social services (79.5%), health sciences (79.3%) and education (76.8%) in Fall 2020, had the smallest shares of first-time enrollment in the fields of engineering (29.3%), mathematics and computer science (33.6%), and physical and earth science (44.3%). b. In Fall 2020, women made up a greater proportion of first-time enrollees at the master’s and graduate certificate level (61.4%) than at the doctoral level (57.0%). Although women make up the majority of students overall, they were underrepresented at the master’s level in engineering (28.7%), mathematics and computer science (33.8%), and business (46.9%). In addition, men accounted for the majority of first-time students enrolled in engineering (68.7%), mathematics and computer science (69.5%), and physical and earth sciences (60.5%). . c. Most of the degrees and certificates awarded to women were in education, health sciences, public administration and services, and social and behavioral sciences. However, in many STEM fields, men still earned the majority of degrees and diplomas. Men earned nearly three-quarters of master’s degrees (72.2%) and doctoral degrees (75.1%) in engineering. Similarly, 64.5% of master’s degrees and 74.2% of doctorates in mathematics and computer science were earned by men.
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Finally, let me ask a few questions, paraphrasing George Mason University economist Walter E. Williams: If the fans of America’s diversity see any underrepresentation of women as a problem and perhaps as evidence of sexism, they propose to do something about it. the overrepresentation of women in higher education at all levels and in 7 out of 11 master’s and doctoral degrees? After all, to agree logically, aren’t overrepresentation of women and underrepresentation of women exactly opposite sides of gender injustice? I’m sure the forces of diversity in higher education, who claim to be committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, won’t see it that way and will continue to worry. on the other hand, on the one hand, on the other hand. , on the one hand, on the other hand, on the difference between the sexes. men with higher education are limited to certain STEM fields.
This year’s ‘Adequate Wage Day’ was March 15 – ‘Adequate Occupational Illness Day’ will continue until September 18, 2032 The decade of statistical growth continued a strong number of statistics and biostatistics degrees offered each year at a bachelor’s and master’s degree. conditions According to the latest data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), bachelor’s degrees increased by 13 percent from 2018 to 2019 to 4,472 (44 of which are from biostatistics) and master’s degrees increased by 7 percent to 4,515 (768 for biostatistics). ), as seen in Figure 1. Doctoral degrees decreased by 4 percent to 688 (186 for biostatistics).
Figure 1. Statistics and biostatistics degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels in the United States for 1987-2019. Data source: NCES IPEDS
While the growth of bachelor’s degrees is dominated by statistics—and the total number of master’s and doctoral degrees is three to five times greater for statistics than for biostatistics—percentage growth of students.
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