Master’s Degree In Business Administration

Master’s Degree In Business Administration – Master of Business Administration Approved Academic Year Effective 2014   Year I – Semester I • Pre –MBA – Financial Accounting (Prerequisite for Non-Accounting Graduates) | 3 units

• B.A. 930/ or B.A. 933 – Fundamentals of organizational development/ Fundamentals of human resources management | 3 units

Master’s Degree In Business Administration

Master's Degree In Business Administration

Year II – Semester II • B.A. 911 – Strategic Management (Prerequisite: BA 906, BA908, BA909 and BA 910) | 3 units

Online Mba Programs

• B.A. 903 – Business Development (Prerequisite: BA 906, BA908, BA909 and BA 910) | 3 units

2nd – Summer • B.A. __ – Optional 3 (Tracks without studies) | 3 units • Comprehensive review and exams Total units = 3/0   Year III – Semester I • B.A. 903 – Coordination sheet | 3 units

Year III – Semester II • B.A. 901 – Thesis B: Final Defense | 3 UNITS TOTAL UNITS = 3   DETAILED EXAM COVERAGE • THESIS | 4 subjects | BA906 or BA 907, BA909, BA910 & BA 911 • Non-Thesis Track | 6 subjects | BA906 or BA 907, BA909, BA910, BA 911, BA 930 or BA933, BA908 Total units to be obtained for both thesis and non-thesis 48

BA 930/ or B.A. 933 – Fundamentals of organizational development/ Fundamentals of human resources management | 3 units

Mba 1.5 Years

BA 903 – Business Development (Prerequisite: BA 906, BA908, BA909 and BA 910) | 3 units

Non-Thesis Track | 6 subjects | BA906 or BA 907, BA909, BA910, BA 911, BA 930 or BA933, BA908 Master of Business Administration degrees are globally recognized and valued graduate degrees. MBA graduates hold leadership positions in various fields:

40% of executives at S&P 500 companies have a master’s degree in business administration. All other advanced degrees held by S&P 500 executives total just 30%. You read it right. More MBAs are held by America’s largest corporations than all other advanced degree categories combined.

Master's Degree In Business Administration

But MBAs don’t have to get you to the C-Suite to be useful. One of the most useful components of an MBA is general business knowledge on various topics.

Master Of Business Administration Online Degree

Many, many workers will work in different fields or roles on their way up the ladder. MBAs are one of the only degrees that can help prepare you for such a wide range of roles.

Today, MBAs can be a great choice for many different fields. In fact, many prospective B-school students report that one of their main hurdles in pursuing an MBA is knowing what program they should pursue and whether they should pursue an in-person, online, part-time, weekend, or night MBA .

This is where it comes in. We have years of experience covering the ins and outs of a wide range of MBA types, as well as questions about applying to graduate business school, financial aid, and choosing the right program for you.

Masters of Business Administration (commonly abbreviated MBA) are professional graduate degrees that offer a broad base of graduate-level business courses. MBAs can be used to start your own business, find a management role in an existing business, or move into roles in your current workplace that require business knowledge.

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MBAs are often geared toward working professionals and offer many flexibility-enhancing components, including night courses, weekend courses, online courses, part-time studies, accelerated studies, and advanced career programs (Executive MBAs).

For non-executive MBAs, programs typically last 1-3 years. One-year programs continue on a more accelerated track. Three-year programs are part-time, and two years is the most common time to earn an MBA.

MBAs can be offered with a general option or with multiple specializations. Specializations include finance, marketing, human resources, leadership, information technology, etc.

Master's Degree In Business Administration

In a general MBA, students continue to complete their studies by choosing 3-5 electives of their choice. In a specialized MBA, those 3-5 courses are used to enhance understanding in a field.

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Executive MBAs are MBA programs usually offered to those who already have more than 5 years of management experience. Because of prior experience, executive MBA programs often dive deep into advanced concepts, skipping over many basic business topics.

As mentioned above, MBAs are professional degrees. This is in contrast to research degrees. At master’s level, research degrees are often aimed at students who want to advance their knowledge of a subject, often leading to a Ph.D. or Ph.D. Professional degrees often focus on applied knowledge that is immediately applicable to a career. In addition, most professional degrees at the master’s level do not require a thesis.

As some like to say “the proof is in the pudding”, this is certainly the case with the Master of Business Administration.

As mentioned above, more than 40% of S&P 500 executives hold an MBA. In other words, MBA graduates run nearly half of the largest corporations in the United States.

Master’s Degree In Business Administration

Of course, not everyone will make it to the “C-suite” and that’s okay. MBAs are particularly unique degrees because they offer you graduate study in a variety of fields. This means that MBAs can take on multiple roles in corporate and organizational structures after graduation.

This is one of the biggest advantages of MBAs. MBA graduates report that their MBA degree has helped prepare them for a variety of roles after graduation. While other degrees prepare graduates for a particular job or specific area within a business, MBAs provide graduates with solid foundational skills for whatever field(s) or roles they pursue later in their careers.

This versatility and generally well-rounded knowledge base makes MBAs better paid than their peers. In one large study, 83% of MBA graduates reported that their MBA paid off financially. And 92% said that if they had the chance to repeat the MBA, they would choose the MBA program again, with the option of choosing another degree.

Master's Degree In Business Administration

MBAs have low unemployment rates, and if you look around at many jobs, it’s clear why. Many business roles place MBA degrees in the “desirable” section of job listings. In many application processes, having an MBA immediately sets you apart from the competition.

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Choosing an MBA program can be difficult. MBAs are one of the most common graduate degrees in the United States (for good reason, we might add).

MBA programs can offer an almost dizzying array of options once some students begin their search. If this sounds familiar, we recommend narrowing down your search to begin. Consider some of the following possible priorities.

Additionally, you should consider whether the program you are interested in is regionally or nationally accredited. Regional accreditation is known as the ‘gold standard’ of accreditation. If a school is regionally accredited, eligible for federal financial aid, may be nonprofit, credits may transfer to other programs, and your degree will be highly valued by employers.

This is not to say that all nationally accredited schools are bad. Instead, they are not judged by the same standards as regionally accredited schools. Most well-respected and established universities are regionally accredited.

Master Of Business Administration (chinese)

If you think you might already know what type of MBA program you’re interested in, check out our rankings of some of the best MBAs by major below:

Master of Business Administration programs are known to focus on professional and future-oriented learning. Therefore, MBAs are one of the first degree categories to fully embrace distance and online learning.

Early adoption of online learning by MBA programs is a good thing for students. With more years spent offering online education, online MBA schools have had the opportunity to improve their offerings. Flexible offerings show that programs understand their potential student base and can accommodate the needs of working or non-traditional students.

Master's Degree In Business Administration

That said, online education may not be the right choice for everyone. Pursuing an online MBA has various advantages (including flexibility and affordability) and disadvantages (including lack of access to on-campus events).

Types Of Master’s Degree: Exploring Academic Paths

If you want a more in-depth look at the pros and cons of an online MBA, check out our online MBA degrees page.

Even if you know you want to pursue an MBA, choosing a major can be daunting. At, we cover a wide range of MBA specializations in detail. We’ve listed the most common major types, a brief summary of each, and content related to that type of MBA throughout the site.

Analytics MBAs provide a solid foundation for managing teams of analysts or moving into a data analyst role early in your career with an upward trajectory.

If you’re interested in an Analytics MBA, check out our ranking of the best online business analytics MBAs.

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Marketing MBAs are highly sought-after degrees in brand manager, analyst and creative agency roles. Most marketing MBAs offer a focus on digital marketing or traditional marketing

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