Master Degree Diploma

Master Degree Diploma – Finally here!!!! I only waited six years for it to arrive, haha. Yes. I received an unexpected bill that I paid a few years ago and I didn’t know you actually needed to contact them and send it to you. Thank God one of my former students gave me an email address where you can write and find out what’s going on! This is if anyone has had this problem.

Anyone who says that a diploma is just a piece of paper is wrong!! And much more. What that means to me is winning against all odds. I almost had to drop out of school several times because I had three major surgeries while I was at school. It represents the hours and hours of hard work spent studying, writing, reading and studying with the best of Ethnomusicology. Many people nowadays wonder if it is worth going to college and I say yes!! Find the best in your field and study with them; It’s an honor and a privilege to be with great names and I was lucky enough to study there.

Master Degree Diploma

Master Degree Diploma

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The master’s degree typically requires prior studies at undergraduate level, either as a separate course or as part of an integrated course. Master’s graduates are expected to have advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics in the area of ​​study; high-level skills in analysis, critical evaluation or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think critically and independently.

The master’s degree dates back to the origins of European universities, when a papal bull from 1233 decreed that anyone admitted to a master’s degree at the University of Toulouse should be able to teach freely at any other university. The original meaning of the master’s degree was that a person admitted to the master’s degree (i.e. professor) at one university should be admitted to the same degree at other universities. This was gradually formalized as lictia docdī (licce to teach). At first, masters and doctors were not distinguished, but in the 15th century it became customary in English universities to call professors of lower faculties (arts and grammar) masters and doctors of higher faculties.

He was originally awarded a Bachelor of Arts (BA) for the study of the trivium and a Master of Arts (MA) for the study of the quadrivium.

The pattern of degrees from the late Middle Ages until the 19th century was therefore to have bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the lower faculties, and bachelor’s and doctorate degrees at the higher faculties. In the United States, the first master’s degrees (Magister Artium or Master of Arts) were awarded immediately after the founding of Harvard University.

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In Scotland, the pre-Reformation universities (St Andrews, Glasgow and Aberdeen) developed so that the Scottish master’s degree became their first degree, whilst in Oxford, Cambridge and Trinity College Dublin the master’s degree was awarded to undergraduates without specific status. Examination since the end of the 17th century, its main objective is to guarantee full membership to the university.

At Harvard, regulations from the 1700s required master’s candidates to pass a public examination.

The 19th century saw a great expansion in the range of postgraduate courses offered. At the beginning of the period, the only master’s degree was the master’s degree, generally awarded without additional studies or exams. The Master of Surgery degree was introduced in 1815 by the University of Glasgow.

Master Degree Diploma

By 1861 it was being adopted throughout Scotland, as well as in Cambridge and Durham, and by the University of Dublin in Ireland.

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When the Philadelphia College of Surgeons was founded in 1870, it also awarded a Master of Surgery “as in Europe.”

Although there were considerable doubts about the quality of Scottish degrees from this period. In 1832, Lord Brougham, Lord Chancellor and alumnus of the University of Edinburgh, told the House of Lords that “Universities conferred degrees after a long stay in the halls, after much labor, if not in every sense. As rigorous as the statutes of the universities required, Oxford, as in Scotland, and also Cambridge, the Masters of Arts could not be said to have been created without any residency or examination of some kind. Universities that imposed conditions on the award of degrees were letter dead. “

It was not until 1837, when the University of Durham was newly founded (although, as in the ancient universities, it was for full members), that separate examinations for master’s degrees were reintroduced in colleges, and in 1840 new examinations were also held. The University of London, with powers to award degrees by examination by charter only.

However, by the middle of the period the second-class MA was again under threat, with Durham, along the lines of the Oxbridge MA, moving to award the BA with distinction in 1857 and awarding it automatically after Edinburgh. other Scottish universities in awarding the MA as a first degree instead of the BA from 1858.

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At the same time, new universities were being established around the British Empire along the lines of London, including postgraduate examinations: the University of Sydney in Australia and, in 1850, the University of Que in Ireland and the Universities of Bombay (now universities). University of Mumbai), Madras and Calcutta in India in 1857.

In the United States, the revival of master’s degrees as an audited qualification began in 1856 at the University of North Carolina, followed by the University of Michigan in 1859.

The idea of ​​a master’s degree as a second degree earned, along with a doctorate as a final degree, was not well established until the 1870s.

Master Degree Diploma

Sometimes it was possible to obtain a master’s degree at the same institution, either by examination or by priority; for example, in Michigan, the MA “by course” was introduced in 1848 and was last awarded in 1882, while the MA “by examination” was introduced in 1859.

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Probably the most important postgraduate degree introduced in the 19th century is the Master of Science (MS in the US, MSc in the UK). At the University of Michigan it was introduced in 1858 in two forms: “in course”, first awarded in 1859, and “on examination”, first awarded in 1862. The MS “Kursda” was last issued in 1876.

In Great Britain, it took a little longer for the diploma to arrive. When London introduced the Faculty of Science in 1858, a new charter was granted to the university, authorizing it to “conquer the several degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor in Arts, Law, Science, Medicine, Music”.

Although the MA is the standard Bachelor of Arts degree in Scotland, the same two degrees, again outside the MA, were awarded in Edinburgh.

In 1862 a royal commission proposed that Durham award master’s degrees in theology and sciences (with the proposed abbreviations MT and MS, as opposed to the later English practice of using MT or MTheol and MSc for these degrees),

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But its recommendations were not implemented. In 1877, Oxford introduced the Master of Natural Science, along with the Bachelor of Natural Science, to accompany the MA and BA degrees and to be awarded to students who gained degrees from the honors school of natural sciences.

But in 1880 a proposal to grant the degree of Master of Arts to Masters of Natural Sciences to become full members of the university was rejected.

The scheme looks set to be phased out, with Oxford continuing to award bachelor’s and master’s degrees in science.

Master Degree Diploma

At the University of Victoria, both the master’s and master’s degrees followed the Durham master’s degree and required an additional examination for those with an ordinary bachelor’s degree, but not for those with an honors degree.

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At the beginning of the 20th century, there were four different types of master’s degrees in Great Britain: the Scottish master’s degree, awarded as a first degree; Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin) awarded to all bachelor’s degree graduates within a specified period after the first degree without further study; Masters degrees, which can be obtained through further study or an honors degree (this

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